VIN: 9153
Registration date: 1977
Color: Brown / Beige interior
Mileage: 21.000 km
Location: The Netherlands (Original sold in Dubai)
Remark: Press / Show car
VIN: 9154 (assumption)
Registration date: 1977
Color: Light Blue / Beige interior
Mileage: Unknown
Location: Unknown
Remark: Press / Show car
VIN: 9155
Registration date: 1-8-1977
Color: Dark Blue / Beige interior
Mileage: 100.000 km (2018)
Location: Czech (2018) (originally Swiss)
Remark: Partly restored and needs to be build up. Offered for € 35k (2018) by Cateximar cars
VIN:9156 (assumption)
Registration date: 1977
Color: Black / Brown interior
Mileage: unknown
Location: Swiss
Remark: 5,9 Liter ! Wolf Race Alu rims
Reference: Not available
VIN:9157 (assumption)
Color: Black /Brown interior
Mileage: unknown
Location: Swiss
Remark: Wolf Race alu rims, location Thomas Automobile, Note the monteverdi badge on the c-pillar is put slightly higher as the example above.
Reference: ex-Rolf Knie
VIN:9158 (assumption)
Registration date: 1977
Color: Black / Brown interior
Mileage: ?
Location: USA (current location unknown) - private car of Peter Monteverdi
Remark: Wolf Race alu rims. Was for sale in 2005 for 13.000 US Dollars.
Reference: Brochure 1977 (3 black versions).
Well, according to this link it turns out that one of these 3 cars is actually very dark blue with a cream interior. And when checking this seems to be correct. So perhaps VIN 9155 might be the actual one.
Registration date: 3-4-1977
Color: Blue with silver top / brown interior
Mileage: 52.000 km (2017)
Location: The Netherlands (2017) (Previously located in Germany, plate: PS M550H)
Remark: Offered for sale at the Gallery (Aaldering) for € 54.000 (2017).
No Power-windows.
No Power-windows.
Registration date: 30-12-1977
Color: Green / Red interior
Mileage: 74.042 km (2013)
Location: Austria (2013) (sold new in Austria)
Remark: Sold for € 12.320,- on an auction (2013).
Sunroof, No Power-windows.
Sunroof, No Power-windows.
Color: Silver / Black interior
Mileage: ?
Location: Swiss
Remark: No Power-windows
VIN:9162 (assumption)
Color: Dark Blue / beige interior
Mileage: ?
Location: Middle East
Remark: Spotted via Facebook
Reference: Not available
VIN:9163 (assumption)
Color: Dark Blue / beige interior
Mileage: ?
Location: Swiss
Remark: Original Dodge aspen chairs still fitted.
Reference: Not available
Color: Silver / Black interior (Original color was black and the private car of Peter Monteverdi).
Mileage: 99.000 km (2019)
Location: Swiss (2019)
VIN:9165 (assumption)
Color: Green / Beige interior
Mileage: 52.000 km
Location: Swiss
Remark: Privately driven by Peter Monteverdi
VIN:9166 (assumption)
Color: Silver
Mileage: Unknown
Location: Swiss
VIN:9167 (assumption)
Color: Silver
Mileage: Unknown
Location: Swiss
Remark: The window wiper arms are not painted black (done by Monteverdi)
Reference: Not available
VIN:9168 (assumption)
Color: Red
Mileage: ?
Location: Swiss
Remark: Phanteon Museum
VIN:9169 (assumption)
Registration date: 1979
Color: Dark Brown / beige interior
Mileage: ?
Location: Swiss
Remark: For sale 79.000 SFr (2016) (
Reference: Not available
VIN:9170 (assumption)
Registration date: 1979
Color: Silver / Black interior
Mileage: ?
Location: Swiss
Remark: Museum car
Reference: Not available
Registration date: 1979
Color: Bordeaux red / Black interior
Mileage: 24.000 km
Location: Swiss
Remark: convertible, for sale 198.000 Sfr (2019)
VIN:9172 (assumption)
Registration date: 1980
Color: Silver / Black interior
Mileage: ?
Location: Swiss
Remark: One-off station wagon
Registration date: 1-3-1980
Color: Grey /
Mileage: 59.000 km (2002)
Location: Swiss
Remark: For sale 10.000 Sfr. (2002)