Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Verkehrshaus Luzern - Montverdi collection

During my holiday leave I stayed over in Swiss. I also stayed a few days at Luzern. And in Luzern there is the Transport Museum which more or less is a very large building which hold more functions and musea. See their website: https://www.verkehrshaus.ch/en

Part of their car collection is the Monteverdi section, which is not a surprise obviously.
In fact the majority of the cars where on display. Except the Sierra, sigh! Well, in any case, here some pictures I took:

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Monteverdi brochure : Sahara + Safari + Sierra

Surprise, I have caught another brochure for our collection. Not a very spectucalair one though.
The backside does contain the specs. It's now available in the download folder.

Although not very visible on this scan, it's stamped by the dealer Autohaus Mendler, BMW direkthändler, 0958 Füssen/allg. This company still exists today and is now part of https://www.widmann-winterholler.de (http://www.bmw-mendler.de